Looking to keep kids and teens engaged virtually during this time? We’re hoping this page of resources can serve as a starting place for you as a youth-service provider. Please do not hesitate to reach out with feedback, or to schedule some individualized time to talk and plan with a member of our team. You can always reach us at nafasipartners@gmail.com. Be well and stay safe!
Here are Skills Drills we think are adaptable for use on a video conferencing platform. For example, you may want to get creative with virtual “breakout rooms,” or by using verbal cues instead of a ball. Don’t forget that you can “share your screen” with visuals, scenarios, and more! Block colors represent different purposes and skills: a) blue – getting to know you, b) purple – communication, c) green – problem solving, and d) orange – emotion literacy.
Below, we’ve included relaxation exercises, which can also be facilitated via videoconferencing platforms. Our recommended activities here reflect a combination of tools, including meditations, guided imageries, body scans, and progressive muscle relaxations.
Finally, here is a helpful one-pager on relevant emotion strategies, Seeking PEACE and CALM during COVID-19. You can download the full PDF here.